I guess what’s amazing about God’s faithfulness is that it isn’t just part of His personality, it is a part of His very being – He is wholly and entirely faithful. And such faithfulness doesn’t need to conform to how I think it should manifest in my life for it can’t be boxed – it is as infinite and boundless as God for it is His very essence. Such unpredictability, so much unknown, yet still breathtakingly captivating. Still so trustworthy.
Faith, faith, faith. I don’t need to know what happens next, what is going on, why things are going as they are – You are faithful. And my faith isn’t founded on what is promised me, it is founded on Your character.
I believe in You – in who You are. I love You not for what You can give me, I love You not for what You tell me.
I love You more than anything and anyone.
Listen to the cries of my heart, my Lord, my Love.
Listen to how it longs for You and You alone.
Beautiful, Faithful,
I love You for who You are.